Ages 6-12
Come join the camp fun for 2015! Old friends and new friends alike make for a great summer. At camp, there will be games, crafts, sports, cooking, swimming, field trips and many more fun times! CUSR camps offer a safe and structured environment to explore, expand and enjoy.
Both camps are staffed with well-trained, outgoing individuals waiting to make this summer the best time ever. A 1:4 staff to camper ratio is maintained as much as possible. CUSR camps are open to any individual who has an IEP.
GOALS: Learn new skills, increase independence, increase peer interaction, socialization, motor functioning and development, and community awareness.
Date                         Program ID
5/30-6/2     Full Day       117502-01
Half Day      117502-02
6/5-6/9       Full Day       117502-03
Half Day      117502-04
6/12-6/16    Full Day       117502-05
Half Day      117502-06
6/19-6/23    Full day        117502-07
Half day       117502-08
6/26-6/30    Full Day       117502-09
Half Day       117502-10
7/3-7/7*      Full Day        117502-11
Half Day       117502-12
7/10-7/14   Full Day        117502-13
Half Day       117502-14
7/17-7/21   Full Day        117502-15
Half Day       117502-16
7/24-7/28   Full Day        117502-17
Half Day       117502-18
*No camps July 4
Day: Monday-Friday
Full Day – 7:30am-5:30pm
Half Day – 11:30am-5:30pm
Full day – $135/$202.50 per week
Half day – $94/141 per week
Max: 20
Deadline: 2 weeks prior to start of session